Professor, HAP
Farrokh Alemi was trained as an operations researcher and industrial engineer and has worked in both academia and health industry. He has more than 105 peer reviewed publications in journals such as Health Services Research, Medical Care, and Palliative Medicine.Associate Professor, HAP
Dr. Priyanka Anand is an associate professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy at George Mason University. Her research interests include health economics, disability policy, labor economics, and social insurance programs.Associate Professor, HAP
Sanja Avramovic is an associate professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy at George Mason University. Her research focus is on big data sets available through electronic health records; health informatics; and developing an efficient and scalable algorithm for variable selection and predictions.
Assistant Professor, Nutrition
Dr. Raedeh Basiri is an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies. Basiri’s research interests are assessing the effects of healthy eating on the prevention and treatment of diabetes and obesity. She is also interested in preventing pediatric obesity via the application of multi-faceted interventions.Assistant Professor, Nutrition
Dr. Batheja is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Food and Nutrition Studies. Batheja’s research interests are how to leverage technology to create dietary behavior changes and impact overweight and obesity.Assistant Director of Academic Programs, Global and Community Health
Ms. Kelly Beckwith is the Assistant Director of Academic Programs for the Department of Global and Community Health. She is passionate about making sure all students have an excellent experience in the department. Before coming to Mason, Beckwith was a public health practitioner in the field of school health.Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
Dr. Kathleen Beigh is an Assistant Professor in the College of Public Health/School of Nursing. She is a nurse educator mentoring undergraduate students in the classroom and clinical settings.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Glynita Bell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work in the College of Public Health. Bell’s research interests are teacher’s attitudes towards bullying and social emotional education, BIPOC achievement gap in education, in retention in higher education and post-traumatic stress experience of racism.Chair and Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
Martin Binks Ph.D., MBA is professor, and Chair of the department of Nutrition and Food Studies at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. Dr. Binks has been a metabolic disease scientist & clinician for over 20 years and is an experienced administrative leader in healthcare, business and clinical program development. He has assisted thousands of patients with behavioral pharmacologic and surgical weight loss, health and wellness, and quality of life improvement and has mentored countless early career professionals over his distinguished career.Assistant Professor, HAP
Dr. Lee Black is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Administration, College of Public Health. His research interests are the intersection of law and ethics in health care, and especially the impact of legal regulation of abortion on the ethical responsibilities of healthcare providers.Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Bloom is a Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health at George Mason University. Bloom’s research focuses on the intersection of environmental pollutants and human health in the U.S. and abroad.Assistant Professor, Nursing
Dr. Amanda Brooks is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and serving as a provider in the Manassas MAP clinic.Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
Dr. Natalie Brooks, an Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing in the College of Public Health, is a Board-Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.
Professor, HAP
Dr. Cantiello, Associate Professor of Health Administration and Policy, teaches and advises students in the Health Administration undergraduate program. His research interests include health insurance coverage, access to and coordination of health services, and underserved populations.Assistant Professor, Nursing
Dr. Chang taught as a nursing instructor for all core courses in the nursing curriculum in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. She is a graduate from Long Island University, Columbia University, Teacher’s College in New York, and George Mason University.Associate Professor, Nursing
Dr. Shanti Chang is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and the Family Nurse Practitioner and Adult-Gerontology DNP Program Director. Chang's interests are pediatrics and underserved populations.Associate Professor
Global and Community HealthVanessa Chee, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Li-Mei Chen is Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work since Fall 2023. Chen’s teaching and research focuses on dementia and aging, productive aging, intersectionality and role of lifecourse in older ethnic minorities, community gerontology, and social policy. She teaches BSW SOCW 312 Knowledge Building for Helping Professionals.Professor, Nutrition and Food Studies
Dr. Cheskin is Professor in the Nutrition and Food Studies, Co-Principal Investigator of the Mason Cohort: Health Starts Here study, and Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He received his medical degree from Dartmouth, and postdoctoral training at Yale-New Haven Hospital.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Helen Chin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Her research interests are centered around investigating factors that adversely affect the reproductive health of women and girls, as well as their offspring. Her current focus is studying how endocrine disrupting exposures affect ovarian development and function.Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Choi is Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Choi’s research interests are environmental and occupational health and safety, human factors and ergonomics, total workers health, fall prevention (older adults), and prevention through design.Chief Innovation Officer for Immersive Technologies
Associate Professor
College of Public HealthBethany Cieslowski is the Simulation Coordinator for the George Mason University School of Nursing. She earned her BSN from the University of Virginia, MA from Columbia University’s Department of Biomedical (Nursing) Informatics and DNP at the Duke University School of Nursing.Associate Professor, Social Work
Dr. Carol Cleaveland is an Associate Professor of Social Work at George Mason University. She teaches SOCW 674 Psychopathology, SOCW 645 Community Clinical Practice and SOCW 653 Immigration Policy. Dr. Cleaveland also serves as a training coordinator for Mason’s VA SBIRT grant.
Accelerated BSN Program Coordinator
Associate Professor, NursingDr. Davidson is an Associate Professor with School of Nursing with over 20 years of experience in an array of healthcare settings. She has a robust education that encompasses both clinical nursing practices and community public health.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Davidson Mhonde, Assistant Professor of Global and Community Health, teaches global and public health, health communication, and research methods. Her research focuses on reducing health inequities due to racism and intersecting forms of oppression through applied health communication science.Professor, Nutrition
Dr. Lilian de Jonge is a professor at the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies. She obtained her PhD degree in nutrition from the Université de Montréal, in Montréal, Canada.Assistant Professor, Nursing
Dr. James “Jimmy” DeMarco is an assistant professor in the School of Nursing. His research interest included improving mental health outcomes through the use of nursing involvement and empowerment.Professor, Department of Global and Community Health
Dr. Carolyn Drews-Botsch is Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Her research has focused on the epidemiology of pediatric conditions and the factors, particularly in the perinatal period, that contribute to their etiology. Specifically, her work seeks to understand these conditions, and carefully apply modern epidemiologic methods to studies of these conditions. Her research program has included work in a variety of related fields including congenital cataracts, fetal growth restriction – particularly in relationship to placental development, intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Megan DuBois is a term assistant professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. One of her greatest objectives is to help teach, prepare, motivate, and mentor future public health leaders from diverse backgrounds. She believes that learning should result in greater well-being, and the highest level of learning should inspire action and change.
Assistant Professor
DNP Program Director
PMHNP Program CoordinatorDr. Kossi Pierre Eklou is an Assistant Professor for the School of Nursing in the College of Public Health and a Board-Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.Associate Dean of Research, CPH
Professor, HAPDr. Cuellar, professor of Health Administration and Policy, has extensive research experience in health care systems, Medicaid, mental health, and justice involved populations. A health policy researcher, her contributions include work on evaluating new organizational forms, such as hospital systems and physician alliances and their effects.Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
Dr. Maryam Farvid is an associate professor within the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, at College of Public Health.Associate Professor, Global and Community Health
BS, Community Health Program DirectorLila C. Fleming, PhD, CHES, is a global health epidemiologist and certified health education specialist. Her research examines bullying among middle school students, adolescent risk behaviors, maternal and child health, and access to health in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Fleming teaches global health, applied health statistics, and public health research methods courses at Mason.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Iulia Fratila is an assistant professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Fratila’s research interests have practical and scholarly contributions related to health promotion, health education (e.g., drug education, sexual health education) and leisure and health studies. Her teaching repertoire includes classes such as social determinants of health, introduction to public health, ethics in health sciences, and research methods.BSW Program Director and Associate Professor, Social Work
Dr. Freedman is an experienced social work educator and licensed independent social worker. He has been involved in social work education for over fifteen years and is a associate professor and BSW program director with the Department of Social Work at George Mason University.Director of Clinical Operations Nursing
Dr. Kenneth Frese is Director of Clinical Operations in the School of Nursing. Frese’s research and quality improvement interests are in patient safety, expanding healthcare access, new nurse preparedness and professional identity. Before coming to Mason, Frese was a clinical nurse for 31 years, spanning roles from Practical Nurse to Clinical Nurse Specialist. His experience includes 27 years with Inova primarily in Critical Care, and he has led and collaborated on multiple successful facility and system-wide QI projects.
Associate Professor, HAP
Director, Health Services Research PhDDr. Gimm, associate professor of health administration and policy, has research experience in disability and aging, program evaluations, and health care payment reforms. Currently, Dr. Gimm serves as a co-investigator on a 5-year Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) to examine rural-urban disparities in access to services among adults with disabilities. Dr. Gimm is the Director of the Health Services Research PhD program.Associate Professor, HAP
Dr. Goldberg is an Associate Professor at George Mason University in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. She is a mixed methods researcher with an emphasis on survey and qualitative research methodologies. Her research focuses on primary care practice transformation, patient experience, and care for the underserved.Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
Drawing on 20 years of practice as a nurse-midwife, Dr. Karen Trister Grace’s research interests are in reproductive coercion, intimate partner violence (IPV), pregnancy intention and health disparities. Dr. Grace recently conducted research addressing solutions to housing instability for IPV survivors, as well as a mixed methods study exploring reproductive coercion in Latina women. She has an interest in birth outcomes related to IPV and reproductive coercion, and the intersection with unintended pregnancy. Dr. Grace is the lead editor of the 3rd edition of the “Prenatal & Postnatal Care: A Person-Centered Approach” textbook.Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Griffin is a Professor in the Department of Global & Community Health at George Mason University. His research focuses on health risk behaviors such as substance use and abuse (including prescription drugs and opioids), violence and aggression (including bullying and sexual violence) and related behaviors among children, adolescents, and young adults.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Jacqueline Guevara is a native of Washington DC, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in both Virginia and DC, and has been in the social work field for over 13 years. She has extensive experience working in various agencies within child welfare (including Child Protective Services, Preservation Services, and Foster Care), school social work, juvenile court, and community mental health. Her areas of research and interest include racial inequity, stigma in the LatinX community including the impact of machismo and marianismo, juvenile justice, trauma/PTSD, and cultural stress.Associate Professor, Global and Community Health
PhD Program Director
Jhumka Gupta, ScD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health within the College of Public Health. Her research program applies a social epidemiology framework toward advancing the science of gender-based violence against women and girls (e.g. intimate partner violence, sex trafficking).
Assistant Professor, Health Administration and Policy
Dr. Hafeez is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Michelle D. Hand is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work. Her research focuses on empowerment building approaches to address sexual violence and trauma among at-risk non-dominant populations, including in later life. Thus, she studies causes and impacts of violence and trauma as well as arts- and horticulture-based interventions (e.g., community gardens, farms and murals) to support healing, informed by extensive interdisciplinary research and clinical experience.Associate Professor, HAP
Dr. Renady Hightower is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy.Associate Professor, Social Work
Dr. Denise Hines, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, College of Public Health at George Mason University. Dr. Hines’ expertise includes the causes, consequences, and prevention of family violence and sexual assault, with a particular focus on under-recognized victims of violence.Professor, HAP
Dr. Alicia Hong’s current research interests focus on how to effectively apply health information technology in disease prevention and health promotion, particularly on chronic disease management and caregiving. She employs community-engaged user-centered design to develop culturally tailored programs, integrating low-cost digital tools with clinical care to deliver personalized programs that are easy to adopt and sustain in underserved communities, ultimately reducing health disparities.Term Associate Research Professor, Nursing
Building on over 40 years of nursing practice and research experience, Dr. Kathi Huddleston’s research interest has focused on improving health outcomes for children. She has conducted research in the intensive care areas and the community health arena. Her interests range from genomics to the microbiome, from neurodevelopment assessment to pediatric obesity.
Professor and Chair, Social Work
Dr. Emily S. Ihara is a professor and chair of the Department of Social Work. Ihara’s research interests focus on interventions, policies, and system changes necessary to eliminate health inequities for vulnerable populations across the life course.Associate Professor, Social Work
Dr. Inoue is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work. Her research focus is primarily on older adults with declined health who are vulnerable to losing autonomy and dignity.Professor, HAP
Dr. Jeah Jung is a Professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. Jung’s research analyzes health policy issues using approaches to infer causal relations from observational data.
MSW Online Program Director and Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Daphne King is an Assistant Professor and MSW Online Program Director in the Social Work Department/College of Public Health. King’s research interests are self-esteem issues in teens and adolescents, mental health concerns and treatment modalities for women of color, specifically African-American women, and the impact engagement in Christianity or spiritual practices have on self-esteem.Clinical Associate Professor, Social Work
Vicki Kirsch, MSW, MA, PhD is a Clinical Associate Professor of Social Work at George Mason University. Her interests and practice focus on trauma and recovery, gender and sexualities, and issues of spirituality and religion.Assistant Professor, HAP
Dr. Hansoo Ko is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. Hansoo is a public health physician and health services researcher with training in health economics.Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
Dr. Susan O. Koduah is an assistant professor in the College of Public Health /School of Nursing. Koduah’s research interests are in the areas of factors that influence students' critical thinking and using effective teaching strategies for students’ success.Associate Professor, Nursing
Dr. Yanika Kowitlawakul is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and has been involved in teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Kowitlawakul’s research interests are educational technology and patient safety.Associate Professor, Global and Community Health
Director of Masters' Programs
Dr. Jenna R. Krall is an associate professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Krall is a biostatistician with research interests in air pollution and environmental epidemiology.Professor, School of Nursing
Dr. Marti Kubik has an 18-year history of extramural-funded research with a focus on youth and families and low-income and minority populations. Nationally recognized in the field of childhood obesity prevention, Dr. Kubik’s work has advanced understanding of the school food environment, contributing to school nutrition policy at state, national and international levels. Other research examined the role of school nursing in obesity prevention. New work piloted a trauma-informed, resilience-based multi-level intervention to reduce violence among urban youth. She has over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals and is a past standing member of the NIH Community-Level Health Promotion Study Section.Associate Professor, Nutrition
Dr. LaCharite is an associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies. She writes and teaches about sustainable food systems, food and culture, urban agriculture, and the effects of agriculture-based learning on eating behaviors.Associate Professor, School of Nursing
FNP/AGNP DNP Program Coordinator…Dr. Andrea M. Landis, a distinguished healthcare professional, has dedicated her career to advancing the field of nursing through education, research, and clinical practice.Associate Professor, Global and Community Health
Rupali J. Limaye, PhD, MPH, MA, is an Associate Professor. She is seen as an expert in vaccine behavior and decision-making, including vaccine hesitancy and acceptance. Primarily focusing on infectious diseases, Dr. Limaye is a social and behavioral scientist and health communication scholar. Her mixed-method work examines how various influences affect health behavior and how to leverage those influences to affect positive behavior change.
Chair, Department of Health Administration and Policy, HAP
Professor, HAPDr. Maddox is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Administration and Policy at George Mason University. She is a nurse with a distinguished career in health services administration, health policy analysis and health services research.Professor, Social Work
Holly Matto, PhD, LCSW-C is a Professor in the Department of Social Work in the College of Public Health at Mason. Dr. Matto values interdisciplinary collaborations and has established research relationships with colleagues in social work, bioengineering, mathematics, visual and performing arts and others at Mason that have resulted in grant-funded projects.Associate Professor, Nursing
Dr. Erin Maughan's research focuses on measuring the effectiveness of school nursing and school health programs that support the need of students (K-12) living in vulnerable situations. Her particular research focus looks at the infrastructure needed to support appropriate school nurse staffing and identifying indicators that best measure the effectiveness of school nursing and school health. Dr. Maughan uses her professional work experience and expertise in mix-method and qualitative designs to not only strengthen the evidence related to school health, but also obtain the data needed to change health and education policy.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Keiana Mayfield’s research interests lie at the intersection of child development and sociocultural contextual factors. Her work focuses on how families and schools influence child and adolescent development while embedded within a society with deep roots in racially oppressive ideologies.Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. James Metcalf is a professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Teaching represents 100% of his current assignment, but he maintains research interest in personal health, current environmental conditions (hydrilla overgrowth in the upper tidal Potomac River); and most recently, the analysis of health-related themes in classical literatureAssociate Professor, HAP
Dr. Hua Min is an associate professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. Min’s research interests are ontology-based data integration, ontology-based machine learning methods, data extraction and analysis from various EHR systems.Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Studies
Dr. Allison Miner is a licensed dietitian and educator. Dr. Miner is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. She also provides medical nutrition therapy at the Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA, Health Unit). At the TSA she moderates a virtual weekly weight loss support group which is available to its 68,000+ employees.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Director of Online MPH ProgramDr. MB (Marybeth) Mitcham is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Online MPH Program in the Department of Global and Community Health. Mitcham’s research interests include the effect of intergenerational learning opportunities on healthy behavior patterns, rural gender identity, the intersection of plant-rich diets and rural populations, and effective public health education methods.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Jessica Mitro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. She is passionate about access to and mobilization of knowledge and excited to support our future community, public health, and healthcare professionals.
Interim Chair and Professor, Global and Community Health
Rima Nakkash is Interim Chair and Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Nakkash is a leading international scholar in tobacco control research in prevention and policy evaluation.Professor, Nursing
Oetjen’s educational interests include nursing leadership, advancing the role of nurses in health care, and quality care of children and adolescents. She is an expert on pediatric care where most of her career has been focused on improving quality care and removing barriers to access for vulnerable and uninsured children.Associate Professor, Nursing
Doctoral Program Director, NursingDr. Kyeung Mi Oh’s research focuses on racial and ethnic disparities in public health, health literacy, cancer screening, and smoking cessation. She has done extensive research on culture-specific influences on health behaviors, tobacco use, cancer information seeking, and cancer screening participation among ethnic minorities, particularly Korean American (KA)s. In her past research, she has worked closely with churches, senior resource centers, and community organizations for KAs and gained valuable skills, knowledge, and experience in conducting community-based health research. She recently conducted a smoking cessation intervention study for Chinese and Korean immigrants.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Anna Parisi is a licensed clinical social worker and licensed clinical addictions specialist in the state of North Carolina. After graduating with her MSW from UNC Chapel Hill, Dr. Parisi worked with individuals with comorbid mental health and substance use disorders in community mental health settings—many of whom were ensnared in the criminal legal system.Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Dr. Esther Park is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at the College of Public Health. She is an experienced Nursing Educator, dedicated Researcher, and Certified Medical Interpreter.Dean
College of Public Health
George Mason UniversityDr. Perry, trained as an epidemiologist in public health, is the Dean of the College of Public Health at George Mason University.Professor, Global and Community Health
Anna Pollack’s research focuses on the relationship between environmental chemical exposures and fertility, pregnancy, and gynecologic health. Critical to understanding these endpoints, she investigates biological mechanisms underlying these processes, such as biomarkers of oxidative stress, inflammation, and endocrine disruptionAssistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Amy Preston Page is Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work. Page’s research interests are military spouses and families, behavioral health education, and children’s behavioral health. Page’s combination of practice and research experience provides her with a unique perspective on the experiences of military spouses and families. Before coming to Mason, Page was an adjunct instructor with the OnlineMSW Program at Fordham University and a part-time lecturer with the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice. Prior to that she worked for several years providing direct services to children and families in a range of settings.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Prieto joined Mason in the fall of 2023. His research interests focus on aging and sexual health among older adults. He is passionate about advancing the discussions concerning sexual satisfaction and health disparities among older LGBTQIA+ populations. Prieto has published in several health-related journals such as Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health and the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. He earned his B.S. in Sociology/Criminal Justice at Central Michigan University, M.S.W. at the University of Michigan, and his Ph.D. at Michigan State University.
Associate Professor, Nursing
Dr. Angelina Harman is an associate professor in the School Nursing. Harman’s research interests are Childhood Obesity, Nutrition and Wellness in the Youth.Divisional Dean
School of NursingTerri Rebmann, PhD, RN, CIC, FAPIC is the Divisional Dean of the School of Nursing in the George Mason University College of Public Health.Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
Dr. Jennifer M. Rickerby is a distinguished Doctor of Nursing Practice, Family Nurse Practitioner, and Nurse Educator, boasting an illustrious career spanning over 30 years. Dr. Rickerby is passionate about upholding a high standard of care with a child health focus.Professor
School of NursingDr. Margie Rodan is a Professor in the School of Nursing at George Mason University.Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Roess is a professor of Global Health and Epidemiology at the Department of Global and Community Health. She is an epidemiologist with expertise in infectious diseases epidemiology, multi-disciplinary and multi-species field research and evaluating interventions to reduce the transmission and impact of infectious diseases.Associate Professor, Nursing
Katherine (“Kat”) Scafide is a tenured Associate Professor, forensic nurse and scientist in the School of Nursing. Her research primarily focuses on advancing equity in the medical identification and forensic documentation of injuries, particularly for patients of color, through innovative use of technology. She has received several federal awards to support these efforts.Division Director, Health Administration Programs
Associate Professor
Department of Health Administration and PolicyDr. Brenda Helen Sheingold, is the Division Director for Health Administration programs at the Department of Health Administration and Policy. Her research to identify and measure social capital in the healthcare workforce has been replicated by scholars globally and recognized by the Royal College of Nursing.Coordinator of Undergraduate Students, Department of Health Administration and Policy, HAP
Term Assistant Professor, HAPJay Shiver, Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator of Health Administration and Policy, teaches in the graduate and undergraduate programs. Mr. Shiver is a seasoned healthcare executive and thought leader, consultant, and healthcare operations manager.Co-Director, Center for Health Workforce at Mason
Professor, Nursing
Principal Investigator, Northern Virginia AHECDr. Caroline Sutter is nationally recognized for her work implementing and evaluating models of community healthcare access and system navigation to improve care and promote collaboration between public health, public safety and health to ensure that evidence-based treatment is available for at risk and marginalized individuals, families, communities and populations.
Professor, HAP
Dr. Jinshan Tang is a professor of Health Informatics in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. Before joining George Mason University, Dr. Tang was a full professor in the College of Computing at Michigan Technological University and a Founding Director of the Joint Center for Biocomputing and Digital Health.Director of Marketing and Communications, CPH
Ms. Thompson oversees the marketing and communications strategy for the College with particular focus on branding, strategic messaging, and engagement strategy as the College transitions to a College of Public Health.MSW Program Director and Assistant Professor, Social Work
Evelyn P. Tomaszewski, MSW, ACSW, is MSW Program Director and an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work. Tomaszewski brings over 25 years of experience as a public health social worker practicing in in the US and globally.Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff Affairs, College of Public Health
Professor, Social WorkDr. Tompkins, Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff Affairs and Professor, teaches human behavior, research, and gerontology courses in the Social Work Department. She is interested in developing new programs for undergraduate students and developing innovations in distance education.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Rodman Turpin is an assistant professor in the Department of Global and Community Health, College of Public Health. Turpin's research focuses on HIV and STI prevention among racial/ethnic and sexual minorities, with a focus on Black sexual minority men.Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Tyrovolas is an associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies. He has a BSc in Dietetics and Nutrition, a MSc in ¨Applied Dietetics¨ and a PhD in Nutrition from the Harokopio University of Athens (Greece).MHA Program Coordinator
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Administration and PolicyDr. Maria Uriyo is assistant professor and MHA Program Coordinator in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. She was Program Director at Medicalincs LLC, an independent minority owned healthcare consulting firm located in Maryland where she oversaw the Rare & Expensive Medical Conditions Program that provided care coordination services to clients residing in select counties in Maryland.Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Villodas joined the faculty of the Department of Social Work in the fall of 2022 and teaches the Foundations of Direct Practice and Community Practice Across the Life Course classes. Her research centers on understanding how social determinants of health impact the mental health of vulnerable young people while considering how to address these challenges through treatment and initiatives at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Dr. Waithaka is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work. His research focuses on intergenerational social and economic mobility during young adults’ transitions to adulthood, with a particular focus on the role of family capital (resources & processes) and public policies influence on young adults’ life outcomes.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Dongqing Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Wang’s research focuses on the nutritional determinants of maternal, child, and adolescent health in low- and middle-income countries.Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, CPH
Professor, Public HealthIn 2019, Dr. Robert M. Weiler was appointed Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Public Health at George Mason University. Dr. Weiler holds a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in health and safety education from Marshall University, a Master of Public Health, in community health education from the University of Tennessee, and a Doctor of Philosophy in education with a specialization in school health education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.Professor, Global and Community Health
Senior Scholar, Center for the Advancement of Well-BeingDr. Ali A. Weinstein is a Professor of Global and Community Health (GCH) and a Senior Scholar in the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. She has extensive experience conducting human biobehavioral experiments in the laboratory and field, conducts survey research, as well as a small research portfolio of qualitative research.Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
Dr. LaDonna Williams is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing. Dr. Williams is a nurse educator and preceptor, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in the classroom and clinical settings.Associate Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Michelle S. Williams is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health at George Mason University. Dr. Williams’ research is focused on developing culturally appropriate health behavior interventions for cancer prevention and control that will lead to a reduction in cancer disparities. Since 2009, Dr. Williams has been conducting research in Ghana, West Africa that is focused on cervical cancer prevention.Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Winter is a professor in the Department of Global and Community Health where she teaches curriculum related to community health, healthy living and aging well. She is Coordinator for the Masters of Public Health Practicum and Undergraduate Internship programs placing students regionally as well as internationally.Professor, HAP
Division Director, Programs in Health Informatics, HAP
Director, Machine Learning and Inference LaboratoryDr. Wojtusiak, Professor of Health Informatics and Director of the Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, has expertise that spans machine learning, health informatics, artificial intelligence in clinical decision support and knowledge discovery in medical data, and a wide range of applications of these fields in health care.
Associate Professor, HAP
Dr. Hong Xue is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. His primary research interests are in health economics, nutritional epidemiology, systems science and modeling, (childhood) obesity, mHealth, and big data and machine learning.Assistant Professor, Global and Community Health
Dr. Zaidi is an assistant professor in the Department of Global and Community Health. Zaidi’s research interests are primarily within causal inference, including but not limited to sufficient cause methods, sensitivity analysis, principal stratification, mediation analysis, and applications of such methods.Assistant Professor, HAP
Prof. Zane began teaching healthcare law at George Mason University as adjunct faculty member in the fall of 2014. In August of 2021, he joined the faculty full-time as an assistant professor. He teaches health economics, health policy, and cybersecurity for healthcare executives.