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Environmental Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Environmental Exposures, and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
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H5N1 Bird Flu, Coronavirus, Monkeypox, Measles, Chronic Wasting Disease and Other Infectious Diseases
Find a list of faculty experts on infectious diseases such as coronavirus and monkeypox.

Mortality Rates in the United States: Suicide, Overdose, Substance Use, Infant/Maternal Mortality
Find a list of faculty experts on relevant topics based on trends and interim mortality reports.  If there are topics of interest not listed here, please contact Michelle Thompson at  

George Mason is the fastest growing Research I university in the country and among the most diverse. We can help you quickly find a faculty expert on health-related topics. 

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College of Public Health Faculty

  • headshot photo of Farrokh Alemi wearing glasses and professional attire

    Professor, HAP

    Farrokh Alemi was trained as an operations researcher and industrial engineer and has worked in both academia and health industry. He has more than 105 peer reviewed publications in journals such as Health Services Research, Medical Care, and Palliative Medicine.
  • Headshot of Priyanka Anand

    Associate Professor, HAP

    Dr. Priyanka Anand is an associate professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy at George Mason University. Her research interests include health economics, disability policy, labor economics, and social insurance programs.
  • Sanja Avramovic

    Associate Professor, HAP

    Sanja Avramovic is an associate professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy at George Mason University. Her research focus is on big data sets available through electronic health records; health informatics; and developing an efficient and scalable algorithm for variable selection and predictions.
  • photo of Raedeh Basiri

    Assistant Professor, Nutrition 

    Dr. Raedeh Basiri is an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies. Basiri’s research interests are assessing the effects of healthy eating on the prevention and treatment of diabetes and obesity. She is also interested in preventing pediatric obesity via the application of multi-faceted interventions.
  • Sapna Batheja

    Assistant Professor, Nutrition

    Dr. Batheja is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Food and Nutrition Studies. Batheja’s research interests are how to leverage technology to create dietary behavior changes and impact overweight and obesity.
  • Kelly Beckwith

    Assistant Director of Academic Programs, Global and Community Health

    Ms. Kelly Beckwith is the Assistant Director of Academic Programs for the Department of Global and Community Health. She is passionate about making sure all students have an excellent experience in the department. Before coming to Mason, Beckwith was a public health practitioner in the field of school health.
  • Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

    Dr. Kathleen Beigh is an Assistant Professor in the College of Public Health/School of Nursing. She is a nurse educator mentoring undergraduate students in the classroom and clinical settings.
  • Assistant Professor, Social Work

    Dr. Glynita Bell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work in the College of Public Health. Bell’s research interests are teacher’s attitudes towards bullying and social emotional education, BIPOC achievement gap in education, in retention in higher education and post-traumatic stress experience of racism.
  • Lee Black

    Assistant Professor, HAP

    Dr. Lee Black is an assistant professor in the Department of Health Administration, College of Public Health. His research interests are the intersection of law and ethics in health care, and especially the impact of legal regulation of abortion on the ethical responsibilities of healthcare providers.
  • Professor, Global and Community Health

    Dr. Bloom is a Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health at George Mason University. Bloom’s research focuses on the intersection of environmental pollutants and human health in the U.S. and abroad.