Office of Faculty Affairs

Faculty and Staff Affairs Staff

Dr. Catherine Tompkins

Cathy Tompkins, PhD, MSW

Associate Dean for
Faculty Affairs

Jennifer Sturgis

Jennifer Sturgis

Administrative Assistant

About the Office of Faculty and Staff Affairs

The College’s Office of Faculty and Staff Affairs is in place to provide support to all faculty and staff.  The college has tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, term faculty, adjunct faculty, and affiliate faculty. The college also supports part-time and full-time staff and staff supported by faculty grants. The office strives to create micro opportunities that will lead to macro changes, better supporting the needs and career trajectories of all faculty and staff. Priorities include  onboarding of new faculty and staff, establishing faculty mentoring programs, increasing faculty and staff awards, and faculty and staff recruitment related to procedures and guidelines supporting diversity and inclusion.

The Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff Affairs liaises with College committees that support various matters, especially related to faculty governance, advancement and development:

  • Staff Development Committee
  • Faculty Council
  • College PT&R Committee
  • Faculty Development

Faculty and staff also have opportunities to be involved in university-level activity through the faculty senate and the staff senate, respectively.

The Office of Faculty and Staff Affairs works with the College’s faculty and leadership to make sure the College is in compliance with the university’s faculty handbook. The office staff is working with the 2019 COACHE data as the basis for strengthening and creating faculty programs and opportunities, and it administers a college-level faculty and staff awards program.

Master Teacher awards and Teaching Innovation awards (developed by staff in the Office of Academic Affairs) are given out annually at the end of each academic year,  Applications for all teaching awards are peer-reviewed. There are also university awards available for faculty and the university’s Faculty Development website has a plethora of information for professional development for faculty to explore.
Resources the office maintains include: